Daniel Scragg



Solo Developer & Hacker.

Building profitable apps with a laptop and internet connection.

  • Age: 24 y/o
  • Website: dscragg.com
  • Skills: Technology, Content Creation
  • Degree: BScHons Computer Science
  • Email: REDACTED
  • Interests: Guitar, Reading, Theology

I'm a developer and hacker building solo online startups while sharing my journey on YouTube. With a background in cybersecurity and software development, I explore AI, business automation, and digital entrepreneurship.

My content documents the grind, growth, and lessons learned in the pursuit of building profitable online ventures.

InDEVa Startup Community

This is a place where developers turn their ideas into money that gives them the freedom to live and work when and where they want.

  • Network with solopreneurs
  • Get feedback on your projects
  • Access valuable learning resources